Tiziana Gentili-Nenning - Stifte
A beautiful colouring book for children aged 4 years
and more.

The designs are an accurate representation of the
13 pictures

in the children's book
"Niki, the Little Marsh Turtle"..

Starting from the 3rd year of life children usually discover
their pictorial abilities. Circles and squares received at one time
take on an important meaning! The warm colours
red, orange, yellow are noticed first by small children.
These are followed by the cold colours
blue, green and violet.

Children find colouring fun because they enjoy the tones
and exploring something new.
Tiziana Gentili-Nenning - Stifte

Tiziana Gentili-Nenning - Malbuch zu * Niki, die kleine Sumpfschildkröte *
A book with 13 drawings
for colouring or painting

size: 21 x 21 cm
price: 4,00 Euro

you can order the colouring book directly from me

Tiziana Gentili-Nenning - Schmetterling


"colouring is an important activity for small children as it furthers their own
fantasy and creativity, trains in the use of pictures as an expression,
stabilises self-confidence… and assists the internal reconciliation"

